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topcryptogamesandroid| Vigorous silver-haired people are supporting a new trillion-dollar consumer market, and Shangpin home delivery has entered the market beautifully with pioneering products.

时间:2024-05-24 13:51:56浏览次数:23

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When young people are trying to save money, they grow up in a period of rapid development of the country.TopcryptogamesandroidThis year's middle-aged and elderly people are spending a lot of money. They are active in various consumer markets such as travel, leisure and entertainment, and great health, thus giving birth to a silver hair market of more than 10 trillion. Most of this group owns their own houses, and in the field of home decoration, they have also led to the growth of demand for improved decoration and aging transformation. It is estimated that there are 40 billion square meters of old housing buildings in the country, and the scale of the renovation market is as high as 15 trillion, of which the direct market share of the aging transformation of the home environment is 3 trillion.

The growth of the home industry slows down, and the new demand for home life of the new generation of middle-aged and elderly people has become a huge "gold mine" worth digging deeply. Recently, Shangpin Zhaiping launched a new series of "dynamic elders", which not only refreshes the consumer awareness of this group, but also shows many possibilities of silver-haired economy in the household industry.

Shangpin House with a series of new products for dynamic elders

The "richest generation" energetic silver-haired people

The new concept of consumption creates a trillion blue ocean.

It is an irreversible trend for China to enter a deep aging society, the pension industry is booming, and the outbreak of the silver economy will precede the pension economy.

At present, most of the silver-haired people aged 50-70 were born during the second baby boom in 1962-1975. 2022-2035 is the period when they enter the middle and old age.Topcryptogamesandroid.200 million people have retired or are about to retire. This group of retirees have enjoyed the development dividends of reform and opening up, real estate and modern education, and have accumulated a lot of assets, which can be said to be the richest generation. They are active in cultural travel, big health, leisure and entertainment and other consumer markets to buy and buy, gradually becoming a new force of consumption. It is obvious that the middle-aged and elderly people are more willing to spend money to enjoy life and have stronger consumption potential.

Statistics show that more than 60% of the elderly in China live "independently", that is, living alone or with their spouse. The houses of many elderly people have been living for 20 or 30 years and need to be renovated to improve their living environment, and at the same time, with the decline of physical function, they need to be adapted to aging.

Whether it is decoration or replacement of household products, is a time-consuming and labor-consuming project, design, selection, purchase, disassembly, after-sale …... These things which are quite troublesome for the young are even more difficult for the old. For fear of trouble and trampling, many old people are unwilling to renovate their houses and buy new furniture. Like young people, they prefer convenient one-stop solutions.

At present, the supply of aging household products in China is relatively scarce, and the solutions of systematic household products are even more scarce. Many enterprises only set up "elder houses" in the suite products, and do not systematically study the consumption demand of silver-haired groups for the whole household life. It is difficult for silver-haired groups to find products that meet the overall demand on the market, which suppresses their desire for home improvement consumption to a certain extent.

The demand of silver-haired people for household products is far from being met. Shangpin House matching keen insight into this unsatisfied blank market, released the industry's first integration of customization, home matching, home appliances system product "dynamic elder" series, with innovative demand insight, pry the silver-haired household consumption vitality.

Custom House with Household Appliances Integration + AI Space Design

Customize multiple lifestyles as you wish

At the beginning of this year, the State Council issued the opinions on developing the Silver hair economy to improve the well-being of the elderly, pointing out that it is necessary to strengthen the supply of supplies and services for the elderly and vigorously develop the silver hair economy. Since the beginning of this year, many provinces and cities, such as the Beijing Development and Reform Commission and the Nanjing Municipal Government, have also issued relevant policies on aging transformation one after another, advocating enterprises to meet the needs of the elderly to improve their lives and improve their quality of life.

Shangpin House has responded positively to the national policy. The "dynamic elders" series of products released this time fully consider the pain points of home consumption of silver-haired groups, make up for the lack of supply of systematic household products of silver-haired groups, and pry the household spending power of silver-haired people.

# accurate insight into the deep needs of users: provide aging convenience + young emotional value

Silver-haired groups on home decoration requirements have not only stayed in the practical, relatively rich economic base and more free space, so that they can further cultivate their own interests. "Insight into the consumption trend of space for home care in China in 2023" shows that whether children consume for their elders or middle-aged and elderly self-improvement consumption, self-satisfaction and safety, convenience, health and care are the core concerns, and compared with children's purchase, middle-aged and elderly people are more concerned about the sense of home.

However, at present, the products for silver-haired groups in the home market are more based on aging ideas, such as aged bathroom cabinets, functional sofas, intelligent electric beds for the elderly, and so on. But among the energetic silver-haired people between the ages of 50 and 70, some of them have no worse physical function than young people. Simply considering the function of "providing for the aged" without considering their emotional needs of "enjoying life", such a product is very difficult to impress them.

Shangpin House is equipped with "dynamic elders" series of products from the two dimensions of functional value and emotional value, planning three core product systems: interest system, intimate system and security system.

Functionally, Shangpin House matching fully takes into account the aging functional needs of silver-haired groups, and has carried out systematic planning and optimization in the aspects of product size, lighting, design, material selection and home moving line design. At the same time, ENF grade environmental protection board is used to provide a safe, healthy and comfortable home environment for dynamic elders.

In order to meet the emotional needs, Shangpin House has set up N interest areas, such as dance practice, calligraphy, music, outdoor sports, collection display, and so on, to meet the needs of silver-haired groups to cultivate hobbies at home, so that they can not only feel physically and mentally comfortable and relaxed, but also harvest a healthier and more dynamic way of life. Physically and psychologically stimulate the needs of the silver-haired group to enjoy life in a young state, and help the silver-haired group to realize their desire to "live younger and younger".

Shangpin House with a series of new products for dynamic elders

Good products are inseparable from accurate insight into user needs, which is based on big data's analysis and in-depth understanding of lifestyle. Behind the "dynamic elders" series of products is Shang Pingzhai's in-depth study of different ages and lifestyles over the years and big data's analysis. Relying on 20 years of customized service experience and based on 10 million + family life samples, Shangpin House has constructed a database of 30 million plans and a large database of Chinese family consumption habits. At present, it has created a household product matrix suitable for the life style of "single aristocracy, two-person world, accompany you with children, successful study, family and career, and dynamic elders".

# Integration of custom house and household appliances: provide system product solution

Britain, Japan and other countries that have already entered the super-aging society have become very mature in the R & D and design of aging household products, compared with the lack of supply of aging household products in China, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. And although there are many kinds of products for silver-haired groups in the current home market, including sanitary ware, furniture, home appliances and so on, they are basically single-product-based and lack of systematic integration. This single product solution is lack of unified planning in terms of function, space comfort and so on. More and more items are bought, and the home is becoming more and more messy.

Obviously, what silver-haired people want is not a single furniture or household appliances, but a system solution that can meet the needs of life as a whole. The creation of this kind of system solution is precisely the advantage of customized head enterprises with strong integration ability.

Shangpin home distribution jumped out of a single product development logic, starting with multi-category product development logic, creating the "dynamic elders", the first systematic product for silver-haired groups in the household industry. Deep integration of customization, home matching, home appliances, to provide exclusive accurate whole-house solutions. Shangpin House matching random selection mode, a collection of global 100 + household brands, 5000+SKU, can meet the highly personalized random selection, to achieve one-stop purchase of the whole house.

# AI Design Factory: realize the overall personality customization of product + space

This whole house solution includes not only the product system, but also the overall spatial experience. Shangpin House is equipped with industry-leading AI technology tools to achieve organic integration from products to space.

China leads the world in the vertical application of AI, while Shangpin Zhaiping takes the lead in launching the AIGC large model AI design factory in the home industry. This is based on the technology accumulation of Shangpin House over the years, as well as the deep learning model of 300000 product library, 3 million household library and six major lifestyles. The AI design factory comprehensively improves the quality and efficiency of space design, making it easy for the whole family to customize. From the industry side to create an efficient, high-quality, easy to operate productivity efficiency tool, from the consumer side to provide users with a highly adaptive "my N ideal life samples".

At the scene of the new product release, nearly one million fans of silver hair came from the media talent (@ Uncle Hongfan) and Li Hongfan, deputy secretary general of the appropriate residence Committee of the China Aging Industry Association, personally experienced the whole service process of the AI design factory. After entering the requirements such as "scientific home care for the aged, log wind", the scene quickly generated a set of design plan for him. It also modifies the size, style and color in real time according to his needs, and efficiently tailors it to restore his imaginary home. The design becomes as fast and accurate as ordering takeout. The product model library of AI design factory is also loaded with a large number of products of Shangpin House matching, customization, home matching, home appliances and so on can be matched with the best results, greatly meeting the diversified and personalized needs of users.

topcryptogamesandroid| Vigorous silver-haired people are supporting a new trillion-dollar consumer market, and Shangpin home delivery has entered the market beautifully with pioneering products.

Nearly one million fans Silver hair from Media Talent @ Uncle Hong Fan experienced AI design

AI Design Factory provides a more integrated and scientific product space solution for the silver-haired group, allowing changes in the quality of life to be visualized visually. With a good life scene to stimulate their desire to improve their living environment, while ensuring that this desire can be perfectly turned into reality, WYSIWYG.


How to make the elderly safe and happy is not only a social responsibility, but also a topic worthy of active exploration in the household industry. At present, the household industry generally lacks in-depth mining of the consumer demand of the middle-aged and elderly groups, and mostly uses the strategy of "what do I think the elderly need" to develop products and provide services, resulting in a serious mismatch between supply and demand. Now this huge user base is becoming a new force of consumption that can not be ignored or even highly valued. With what kind of products to pry, enterprises need to change their perspective and empathy with them.

Shangpin Homestead takes the lead in the home industry to make in-depth research and empathy with the silver-haired people as the core user group of the enterprise, and to create a systematic overall home life solution from the perspective of "I observe what you need". On the basis of realizing their basic needs for health and safety, it gives enough emotional value to enjoy life, coupled with one-stop convenient service, to enhance the well-being of silver-haired people.

Shangpin House matching opened the curtain of the economic tide of gold trillions of silver hair in the home industry, and also provided an excellent model. We also expect more household enterprises to put forward innovative insights to launch more good products, through in-depth mining of market segments to open up new increments in the stock.