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pokerstarsvr| The current core technical personnel of pharmaceutical companies are leaving the company

时间:2024-05-27 07:16:51浏览次数:31

Source: Beijing Business Daily

Another core technical staff of pharmaceutical companies has left. The latest announcement of Haichuang Pharmaceutical (688302) shows thatPokerstarsvrGuo Hong, the company's chief medical officer and core technical staff, resigned due to personal reasons, and the number of core technical personnel of the company was reduced to 5. According to incomplete statistics by a reporter from the Beijing Business Daily, since the beginning of this year, the core technical personnel of nine pharmaceutical units have left, including Salem Biological, Huaxi Biological, Maiwei Biological, Fudan Zhangjiang, and so on. Among them, there are three core technicians in the IPO period of Salem Biology. at present, only Zhang Zhiping is identified as the core technician. In addition, the core technical personnel of Huaxi Biology adjusted a lot during the year, exceptPokerstarsvrIn addition to the departure of two core technical personnel, there are some former core technical personnel who are no longer directly responsible for R & D work.

Chief Medical Officer of Haichuang Pharmaceutical Industry resigns

On May 25, Haichuang Pharmaceutical announced that Guo Hong, the company's chief medical officer and core technical staff, recently applied to resign and complete the departure procedures for personal reasons, and will no longer hold any positions in the company after leaving.

Haichuang Pharmaceutical said that the work that Guo Hong was responsible for when he held the position of chief medical officer was undertaken by XINGHAI LI (Li Xinghai), the company's chief science and technology officer. XINGHAI ·LI (Li Xinghai) belongs to the company's senior management and core technical staff, and is currently fully responsible for the preclinical management of the company's new drug research and development and all the business management of global clinical. The work that Guo Hong is responsible for has completed the handover, and his departure will not have a material impact on the company's R & D capabilities, sustainable operating capabilities and core competitiveness, and will not affect the company's existing core technologies and R & D projects.

After Guo Hong left office, the number of core technical personnel of Haichuang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. dropped from 6 to 5, namely YUANWEI CHEN (Chen Yuanwei), XINGHAI LI (Li Xinghai), WU DU (du Wu), Fan Lei and Kuang Tongtao. By the end of 2023, the number of R & D personnel of Haichuang Pharmaceutical Industry was 127.

According to the data, Guo Hong was born in August 1967 and began to work in the company's clinical center in October 2021, accompanying Haichuang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Four months after listing, Haichuang appointed Guo Hong as the chief medical officer, and Guo Hong was identified as the company's core technical staff.

A reporter from the Beijing Business Daily noticed that Guo Hong's annual salary was relatively high. In 2023, Guo Hong's annual salary is 262.Pokerstarsvr.60,000 yuan, second only to the company's chairman YUANWEI CHEN (Chen Yuanwei). Other core technical staff XINGHAI LI (Li Xinghai), WU DU (du Wu), Fan Lei and Kuang Tongtao have an annual salary of 240,000,000 respectively in 2023.Pokerstarsvr.39 million yuan, 1.1777 million yuan, 1.0306 million yuan, 850800 yuan.

For questions related to the company, a reporter from Beijing Business Daily called the office of Dong Secretary of Haichuang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd for an interview, but the other party's phone was not answered.

There are only two Salem biological core technicians.

According to incomplete statistics by a reporter from the Beijing Business Daily, since the beginning of this year, a total of nine pharmaceutical companies in A shares, including Haichuang Pharmaceutical, have left their core technical personnel, of which Salem Biological Core Technical personnel has the fewest number, only two. What is particularly noteworthy is that of the three core technicians in the Salem Biological IPO period, only Zhang Zhiping has been identified as the core technician.

Specifically, since the beginning of this year, pharmaceutical enterprises such as Nuotai Biological, Yuandong Biological, Salem Biological, Fudan Zhangjiang, Huaxi Biological, Maiwei Biological, Pharmaceutical Kang Biological and other pharmaceutical enterprises have all left their core technical personnel. For example, on April 20, Maiwei Biology announced that the company's board of directors recently received a written resignation report from Zhang Jinchao, a senior manager and core technical staff of the company. Zhang Jinchao applied to resign for personal reasons.

Salem Biology announced on March 2 that the company's board of directors recently received a resignation report submitted by he Yiming, a director, deputy general manager and core technical staff. He Yiming applied to resign as deputy general manager because of his age. After resigning, he will continue to serve as a director of the company's third board of directors. At the same time, the company will employ him as a technical consultant. Due to the change of job responsibilities of he Yiming, the company no longer recognizes him as a core technical staff.

Salem Biology said that combined with the resume of Peng Liangjun, deputy general manager, the needs of the company's R & D and technological development, as well as his participation in core technology research and development, the company was examined and approved by the 18th meeting of the third board of directors of the company. Peng Liangjun was newly identified as the company's core technical personnel. The core technical personnel of the company after adjustment are Zhang Zhiping and Peng Liangjun.

According to the data, Salem Biological listed on March 11, 2022, only one month after its listing, Salem Biological announced that JIN XIA, the company's senior manager and core technical staff, recently applied to the company for personal reasons and would no longer hold any position in the company, thus reducing the Salem Biological Core Technical staff team to two.

In 2023, the annual salaries of he Yiming, Zhang Zhiping and Peng Liangjun are 751200 yuan, 428000 yuan and 392500 yuan respectively, of which he Yiming is the highest among the three.

pokerstarsvr| The current core technical personnel of pharmaceutical companies are leaving the company

Huaxi biological core technical personnel change greatly

Among the pharmaceutical units that left the core technical personnel in the above-mentioned year, Huaxi biological core technical personnel changed the most, and the relevant announcements on the adjustment of core technical personnel were disclosed twice during the year.

On April 2, Huaxi Bio announced that Ma Shouwei, the company's former core technical staff, resigned from the company due to personal reasons and would no longer hold any positions in the company and its subsidiaries.

Less than a month later, Huaxi Biological once again issued a notice on the change of core technical personnel on April 30, showing that recently, the company received an application for resignation from Wang Yongzhi, a core technical personnel, who resigned from the company for personal reasons. After his resignation, he will no longer hold any position in the company and its subsidiaries, and will no longer be recognized as the company's core technical personnel.

In addition, Huaxi Biology said that according to the company's internal work arrangements, Liu Aihua, the company's deputy general manager, and Luan Yihong, the former core technical staff, are no longer directly responsible for R & D-related work, so the company no longer recognizes Liu Aihua and Luan Yihong as core technical personnel, and the two are still in charge of other important work in the company. After the above adjustment, Huaxi biological core technical personnel dropped to 15.

Industry observer Hong Shibin said in an interview with a reporter from the Beijing Business Daily that frequent changes in core technical personnel may lead to unstable progress of the company's R & D projects and affect the company's R & D plans and strategies. In addition, the news of the departure of core technical personnel may have an impact on the company's share price, causing investors to worry about the company's future development, thus affecting the share price.

According to Lu Dingliang, a partner lawyer at Beijing City Jingshi Law Firm, core technical personnel are important assets of the company and a critical force for the R & D team; in the short term, their departure may have a certain impact on the company's R & D progress and technological breakthroughs to a certain extent.

However, Lu Dingliang also said that under normal circumstances, the results and works produced by the research and development of the core technical personnel of a listed company during their tenure are generally job works, and the results belong to the company; moreover, under normal circumstances, the core technical personnel will also sign a confidentiality agreement and a non-competition agreement with the listed company. Core technical personnel after leaving the company are required to abide by the corresponding confidentiality obligations and non-competition obligations, as well as legal obligations on the protection of trade secrets. Therefore, for enterprises with stable operations and sound compliance systems, the departure of core technical personnel has limited impact on the company.

Beijing Business Daily reporter Ding Ning