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top5blockchaingames| Yanghe Chen Taisong: Sauce wine companies can stay in business for a long time, but they can grow bigger cautiously

时间:2024-05-27 16:43:13浏览次数:37

Theme: 2024 Guizhou Liquor Enterprise Development Roundtable

top5blockchaingames| Yanghe Chen Taisong: Sauce wine companies can stay in business for a long time, but they can grow bigger cautiously

"Maintain integrity, innovate and jointly protect Guizhou liquor brandtop5blockchaingames, gather wisdom and gather strength to expand advantageous industrial clusters." From May 26 to 27, the 2024 Guizhou Liquor Enterprise Development Roundtable was held at Moutai International Hotel. As an important annual meeting to review and plan the development of Guizhou liquor industry, the Guizhou Liquor Enterprise Development Roundtable has attracted much attention from the industry.

At the meeting, Chen Taisong, vice president of Yanghe Co., Ltd. and chairman of Guizhou Guijiu Group Co., Ltd., gave a keynote share.

Chen Taisong believes that judging from last year's performance, Guizhou sauce and wine companies can be said to be "happy and worried". High inventories exist objectively, and wine companies must be prepared to live a tight life in the long term.

intop5blockchaingamesIn his view, the mixed market has affected the overall development of the industry. Although Renhuai has achieved results in rectifying the industry, the phenomenon of replacing inferior products with good products has not been eradicated, which will still have a negative impact on the future development of the wine industry. "Guizhou must adhere to the 1+1+N principle." Chen Taisong emphasized.

"1", that is, Guizhou must insist on building a "world Maotai-flavor liquor industry cluster" and tell the story that Guizhou is the core producing area of sauce liquor;

"1", that is, Maotai-flavor wine is driven by Maotai and Renhuai. Guizhou is the only province in the country without plains. Guizhou's mountains, rivers and waters have developed a unique brewing environment. Good Maotai-flavor wine cannot be brewed without leaving Guizhou. This is a unique and unreplicable advantage of Guizhou.

"N": From the perspective of quality, each wine company should let a hundred flowers bloom, and everyone has their own characteristics.

He also pointed out that the current influence and market share of soy sauce wine need to be improved. He suggested that the industry should integrate knowledge and action and focus on quality; seek truth from facts and not be exaggerated, and put an end to counterfeiting; strengthen exchanges between industries and enterprises; move forward steadily, not impatient, can work for a long time, and be cautious and big; the government should balance the relationship between large enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, within and outside the province; continue to improve the industry ecology.