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betrockercasino| Cost price of imported soybeans on landing duty on May 11, 2024

时间:2024-05-11 19:02:40浏览次数:31

betrockercasino| Cost price of imported soybeans on landing duty on May 11, 2024

Source: China Grain Network

The FOB price of U.S. No. 2 yellow soybeans for immediate delivery on May 11, 2024 is US$474/tonbetrockercasino, equivalent to RMB 3368 yuan/ton. Based on the import tariff of 3%, the total cost after paying taxes at Chinese ports is approximately 4383 yuan/ton, an increase of 26 yuan/ton from the previous day and a decrease of 399 yuan/ton from the same period last year.

China Food Network