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thebaccaratbar| [Invitation Letter] The First China Diligent Enterprise Reorganization Forum in 2024

时间:2024-05-17 13:32:49浏览次数:44

Geopolitical frictions and regional conflicts continue to deepenThebaccaratbarThe internal and external contradictions in the world have intensified.ThebaccaratbarChina's structural reform and the transformation of new and old kinetic energy into the deep water area. The world is ushering in a great change not seen in a century. This great change is reflected not only in politics, military, diplomacy, science and technology, but also in the economic and financial fields. It is the historical mission of every industry, financier and legal person to resolve the predicament and look for opportunities in the midst of changes and challenges. To this end, sponsored by the Northeast University of Finance and Economics, University of International Business and Economics, Dalian Arbitration Commission (Dalian International Arbitration Court), the first reorganization Forum of Chinese distressed Enterprises in 2024, jointly sponsored by Huoli net and Beijing Zhide Law firm, is scheduled to be held on May 31, 2024.

This forum will bring together experts from all sides, combine scientific research with practice, coordinate justice with economy, and have good interaction between government and market entities. It will analyze the situation from the dimensions of scholarship, policy, supervision, industry, finance, investment, etc., explore countermeasures, seek common development, and ensure economic and financial stability. This forum will also conduct in-depth discussions on the two hot topics of "local debt resolution" and "risk resolution of small and medium-sized financial institutions" for the first time.

Forum Information

Time: Friday, May 31, 2024Thebaccaratbar: 00-18Thebaccaratbar: 30

Venue: Dalian, Liaoning Province

Organizers: northeast University of Finance and Economics, University of International Business and Economics, Dalian Arbitration Commission (Dalian International Arbitration Court)

Co-sponsors: Huoli net, Beijing Zhide Law firm, M & An and restructuring Research Center of the University of International Business and Economics, International Business Law Research Center of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing Liaoning Enterprise Chamber of Commerce, China non-performing assets investors Club Liang Youhui

Sign up for the meeting: forecast name audit system, the organizer will inform the specific participation information after the examination and approval.

The number of places is limited. If you are interested, please sign up as soon as possible.

Scan the code and fill in the registration information

Agenda of the Forum

The morning of May 31, 2024

thebaccaratbar| [Invitation Letter] The First China Diligent Enterprise Reorganization Forum in 2024


The leader's opening speech

Distinguished guests: leaders of Dalian and leaders of the school.


Keynote speech

Distinguished guests: senior judges


Keynote speech: optimize the allocation of resources and develop new productive forces

Guest: famous economist


Keynote speech: bankruptcy system and optimization of business environment

Guests: well-known scholars


Keynote speech: debt restructuring and corporate bail-out

Guest: well-known investment banks


Keynote speech: give full play to the role of debt committees of financial institutions to help the restructuring of troubled enterprises

Guest: banking expert

The afternoon of May 31, 2024


Round table forum: local debt resolution

Guests: government departments, well-known investment banks, asset management companies, scholars, government debt consultants


Round table forum: risk resolution of small and medium-sized financial institutions

Guests: government departments, banking experts, well-known investment banks, scholars


Tea break communication


Round Table Forum: relief and Investment of Real Estate

Guests: government competent departments, benchmarking real estate companies, domestic and foreign real estate funds, intermediary agencies


Round Table Forum: restructuring Institution and restructuring Investment

Famous scholars, managers, investors, creditors, etc.

(* this agenda sets the agenda for the Forum and may be adjusted according to the actual situation.)

Registration for activities

The number of places is limited. If you are interested, please sign up as soon as possible.


Introduction of Chestnut net

Huoli net is the leading Internet platform in China's non-performing assets industry, founded by Mr. Shao Ping, a former China Cinda headquarter, with 350000 + users and hundreds of industry institutional customers. Over the past five years, Huoli has continuously focused on the content dissemination and industry research of non-performing assets, produced tens of millions of words of high-quality articles, built a complete industry training course system, and gathered the ecological circle of the whole industry chain; it has a great influence in the vertical field.