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baccaratbearbrick| Effectively consolidate and enhance the positive trend of economic recovery--The head of the National Development and Reform Commission answers reporters 'questions on the economic situation and macro policies in the first quarter

时间:2024-05-01 15:34:20浏览次数:37

Beijing, May 1st (Xinhua)--   question: effectively consolidate and strengthen the trend of economic recovery-- the head of the National Development and Reform Commission answers a reporter's question on the economic situation and macro policies in the first quarter

Xinhua News Agency reporters Chen Weiwei and Yan Fuwang

baccaratbearbrick| Effectively consolidate and enhance the positive trend of economic recovery--The head of the National Development and Reform Commission answers reporters 'questions on the economic situation and macro policies in the first quarter

The political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on April 30 to analyze and study the current economic situation and economic work. How to better understand the current economic situation? How to build a national unified market? The head of the National Development and Reform Commission was interviewed by a reporter from Xinhua News Agency.

Q: the meeting of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee pointed out that "the economy has made a good start." What do you think of the economic "report card" in the first quarter? Can the annual development goals and tasks be achieved?

A: since the beginning of this year, China's economy has continued to recover and improve, with steady economic growth, steady structural adjustment, steady improvement in quality and efficiency, strong guarantee of people's livelihood, and overall improvement in market expectations. achieved a smooth start, a good start, it can be vividly said that achieved a "good start." Such an excellent oneBaccaratbearbrickThe "report card", whether from the national to the local, from the macro to the micro, can be truly reflected.

From a macro-economic point of view, the growth of the main indicators has accelerated. GDP increased by 5% in the first quarter compared with the same period last year.BaccaratbearbrickThe growth rate was 0.1 and 0.8 percentage points higher than that of the previous quarter and the same period last year, respectively. From the perspective of regional development, the regional economy is stable and improving. Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong, Zhejiang and other eastern economic provinces continue to play a leading role, and the economies of the three major power sources, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, are growing relatively fast. From the perspective of the industry and enterprises, the operating efficiency and confidence vitality have improved steadily. The total profits of industrial enterprises above scale increased by 4.3% in the first quarter compared with the same period last year. The manufacturing PMI was 50.4% in April, running above the rise and fall line for two consecutive months. From the perspective of residents' living standards, employment income continued to improve.

The plan of the year lies in the spring, and how the economy starts has a great impact on the trend of the whole year. Generally speaking, a good start and a rebound are the basic characteristics and trend of China's current economic operation, with an increase in positive factors, a sustained increase in momentum, an improvement in social expectations, and a solid promotion of high-quality development, laying a solid foundation for achieving the annual goal.

In the next step, we will, in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, persist in taking advantage of the situation, avoid tightening in front and loosening later, and speed up efforts to implement various established arrangements and achieve practical results in view of the outstanding contradictions in economic operation. we will strengthen policy pre-research reserves and promote them in a timely manner in accordance with the needs of the situation, earnestly consolidate and enhance the economic recovery and achieve high-quality targets for the whole year.

Q: the meeting of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee pointed out that it is necessary to unswervingly deepen reform, expand opening up, and build a unified national market. In the next step, what measures will be taken to build a national unified market?

A: speeding up the construction of a national unified market is an inevitable requirement for unblocking the domestic cycle and promoting the construction of a new development pattern, and it is also an important starting point for unleashing the potential of domestic demand and promoting a sustained economic recovery. In accordance with the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant parties, has made good use of the coordination mechanism for promoting unified market construction departments throughout the country, stepped up efforts to promote the implementation of various tasks, and played a positive role in improving the market environment and social expectations. The concrete progress is shown as "five unifications" and "three norms".

The "five Unification" is to accelerate the unification of market systems, facilities, and supervision by deepening the key tasks of efficient market connectivity. First, the basic market system has been more unified and improved, the number of negative list items for market access has been reduced from 151 in 2018 to 117 at present, the rules for the examination of fair competition in the field of tendering and bidding have been introduced, and the systems of property rights protection, market access, fair competition and social credit have been accelerated and improved. Second, market facilities are more unified and smooth, policies such as the "single system" of multimodal transport and trading of public resources have been introduced, facilities such as modern circulation networks and channels for the exchange of market information have been continuously optimized, and the ratio of total social logistics costs to GDP has been reduced to 14.4%. Third, greater strides have been made in the unification of the factor resources market, the online trading service platform of the national land secondary market has been put into operation, the mutual recognition of professional titles among regions has been realized in some areas, and the construction of a basic data system has been put forward to better play the role of data elements. land, labor, capital, technology, data and other elements flow more smoothly. Fourth, the commodity and service market is unified to a higher level, the 12315 consumer complaints [download black cat complaint client] information publicity platform is running online, and the quality standards and other systems are constantly improving. Fifth, market supervision will be fairer and unified, and provisions to stop the abuse of administrative power to exclude and restrict competition have been issued, and a total of 45 unreasonable fines in administrative regulations and departmental rules will be cleared and abolished from 2022 to 2023.

The "three norms" is to standardize improper market competition and market intervention by continuously eliminating outstanding problems such as local protection and market segmentation. The first is to establish a notification system for the rectification of behavior problems and typical case interviews for improper intervention in the construction of the national unified market, and issue a list of precautions against improper intervention in the construction of the national unified market. Second, we will carry out verification and rectification of the clues of problems hindering the construction of a unified national market, and promote special rectification in key areas such as project construction and tendering and bidding, thus solving a number of practical problems for business entities. Third, promote the relevant parties to sort out the current effective regulations and policies relating to the economic activities of business entities, and revise or abolish a number of policies and measures that hinder the unified market and fair competition.

Through the joint efforts of all parties, the effect of building a national unified market is gradually emerging. In the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, work with relevant parties to carry out a series of actions to build a national unified market and promote high-quality development, and continue to promote the building of a national unified market. On the one hand, we should pay close attention to improving the system. Formulate standards and guidelines for the construction of a national unified large market, report and implement opinions on improving the market access system and ways to build social credit, and set up various systems and rules conducive to the construction of a national unified large market. On the other hand, we should step up efforts to break down obstacles. We will establish a long-term mechanism for problem reporting, verification and rectification and reform notification, carry out in-depth special rectification of outstanding problems such as market segmentation and local protection in key areas, continuously report typical cases, and play a mirror role. Remove all kinds of obstacles that are not conducive to the construction of a unified national market.

Q: recently, a number of new energy car companies in China have released new models, which are very hot and have attracted wide attention from the society. What other measures will the National Development and Reform Commission introduce to support the development of new energy vehicle industry? How will the trade-in action of consumer goods link up with the development of new energy vehicles?

A: since the beginning of this year, China's new energy vehicles have continued to maintain a momentum of rapid development, showing the vigor and vitality of both supply and demand. On the one hand, the market demand continues to expand. In the first quarter, China's production and sales of new energy vehicles reached 2.115 million and 2.09 million respectively, up 28.2% and 31.8% respectively over the same period last year. On the other hand, the supply of products is increasingly abundant. Relying on the supply chain advantages of themselves and China's new energy vehicle industry chain, domestic and foreign enterprises actively build high-quality and high-price products around consumer demand. Since the beginning of this year, more than 30 new energy models have been released or put on the market one after another. Many products have been widely concerned by public opinion and actively subscribed by consumers.

In recent years, the development of new energy vehicles in China has achieved remarkable results, and a sound industrial chain system and supporting facilities system have been established. The production, sales and ownership of new energy vehicles rank first in the world. This is not only driven by China's super-large market, complete industrial system, rich human resources and other advantages, but also under the action of full market competition, continuous R & D innovation, deep international cooperation and other factors. The rapid development of China's new energy vehicle industry not only meets the needs of the domestic people for a higher quality of life and promotes high-quality economic development, but also makes a positive contribution to enriching the global product supply, dealing with climate change and promoting green and low-carbon development.

Focusing on the high-quality development of the new energy vehicle industry, we are stepping up efforts to study and improve relevant policies and measures, focusing on promoting work in three areas.

The first is to promote industrial optimization and upgrading. We will continue to promote industrial innovation through scientific and technological innovation and guide enterprises to continuously strengthen R & D investment and technological innovation. Promote the R & D and innovation of power batteries, intelligent driving and other technologies, and enhance the level of standardization and integration of vehicles and parts. We will promote the development and growth of backbone enterprises of new energy vehicles, speed up the withdrawal of backward enterprises and production capacity, and promote the optimization and reorganization of new energy vehicle enterprises. At the same time, China will completely abolish restrictions on foreign investment in the manufacturing sector, welcome global automobile companies to deeply integrate into the Chinese market and industrial chain system, and share the fruits of the development of new energy vehicles.

The second is to better meet consumer demand. In conjunction with relevant departments to carry out the automobile trade-in campaign, 2024 new energy vehicles to the countryside activities, continue to expand the market scale, with high-quality supply to better meet the demand for new energy vehicles. We will cooperate with relevant departments to speed up the implementation of the action plan for the trade-in of consumer goods, adopt preferential policies such as finance and taxation in accordance with the law, and support qualified trade-in behavior, so as to better meet the needs of consumers for new energy vehicles.

The third is to speed up infrastructure construction. We will strengthen the overall planning and coordination of new energy vehicles, energy, electric power, infrastructure and other industries. We will speed up the construction of a high-quality charging infrastructure system, vigorously promote the construction of charging facilities in key areas such as old residential areas, along highways, and rural areas, and speed up the construction of public charging facilities dominated by fast charging. We will improve the charging guarantee capacity of highway service areas and other holidays. Promote the improvement of technical standards, strengthen safety supervision, and improve the service level of charging infrastructure operation. We will implement and improve the TOU electricity price policy, increase the protection of land use and financing, and provide strong support for the construction of charging infrastructure.