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时间:2024-05-04 11:33:27浏览次数:51

Hanzhang, a reporter from China Fund News

RecentlyZaxxongameA number of banks, including Bohai Bank, Dalian Agricultural and Commercial Bank, etc., have adjusted their "smart notice deposit" products.ZaxxongameSome cancel the automatic transfer function, and some products are removed from the shelves.

A number of industry insiders said that the adjustment of "smart notice deposit" products by some banks is in line with the policy guidance of lowering deposit interest rates, which is conducive to continuously reducing the cost of bank liabilities and making the real economy more sustainable.

A number of banks adjust their "smart notice deposit" products

Bohai Bank announced on its official Wechat account on May 1 that the bank's automatic transfer of personal notice deposit products will automatically expire on May 1, 2024, and that the stock automatic transfer of personal notice deposit products will be changed to "notice deposit plus" products after termination.

Bohai Bank said that if you need to withdraw "notice deposit +" products, customers can actively initiate advance notice and agreed withdrawal through the bank's counter or electronic banking channels (if already opened), and "call deposit +" products will not be transferred automatically.

If the customer does not approve the relevant change, it can be withdrawn in advance through the bank counter or electronic banking channel (if it has been opened) before the product change. If no advance withdrawal is made before the change of the product, it shall be deemed to have agreed to the change.

(the picture is from the official account of Bohai Bank)

On the same day, Dalian Agricultural and Commercial Bank also announced that from May 14, 2024, the bank's "intelligent notice deposit" product canceled the automatic transfer function, and customers are required to make a notice appointment 1 / 7 days before the withdrawal date (in line with the bank's current interest-bearing rules for notice deposits). Customers who have handled the bank's "intelligent notice deposit" can bring relevant documents to the business outlets in time, or handle relevant business through mobile banking, enterprise online banking and other self-help channels.

(the picture is from the official account of Dalian Agricultural and Commercial Bank)

Guangfa Bank also announced on its website that it will be offline in early May to notify the deposit business of automatic roll-over service (including winning in the Yitian series of related products). The existing funds will be adjusted to the non-rolling service model or returned to the customer's signed current account according to the specific product service rules.

(the picture is from the official website of Guangfa Bank)

This may be out of consideration for the cost of capital and risk management.

It is understood that the notice deposit is a deposit that does not agree on the deposit period, and the bank needs to be notified in advance when it is withdrawn, and the withdrawal date and amount are agreed before the deposit can be withdrawn, and its interest rate is relatively high.

The difference between intelligent notice deposit and general notice deposit is that ordinary notice deposit requires customers to specify "one-day notice deposit" or "seven-day notice deposit" in advance. If the deposit time is more than seven days and the type of "one day" is selected, the income will be reduced; if you choose the type of "seven days" and take it out in less than seven days, you can only get demand interest. The intelligent notice deposit is to provide customers with automatic transfer notice deposit service when the fund balance of the individual demand deposit account designated by the customer meets the initial deposit requirement of the central bank's individual notice deposit. and according to the deposit balance change cycle to give customers the corresponding one-day or seven-day notice deposit interest, there is no need for customers to specify by default.

In May last year, Ping an Bank, Guilin Bank, Dongying Bank and other banks issued a notice saying that they would suspend the sale of "smart call deposit" products or handle smart call deposit business. In the first half of this year, Fuzhou Agricultural Commercial Bank, Xiamen Agricultural Commercial Bank, Lianjiang Agricultural Commercial Bank, Sanming Agricultural Commercial Bank and other local banks announced the removal of smart notice deposits one after another.

Several industry experts told the media that the bank's move may be out of consideration for the cost of capital and risk management. Although the automatic deposit function provides convenience for depositors, it also increases the capital cost and operational risk of the bank. In the current financial market environment, banks need to manage their funds more finely in order to cope with various potential risks.

A person in the banking industry said that in recent years, regulators have repeatedly issued corresponding regulatory policies on smart deposit products, and the scope of supervision has gradually expanded to call deposits and agreed deposit products on the basis of ordinary deposits. to maintain normal financial market order.

A brokerage banking analyst said that from the perspective of public information, the removal of intelligent notice deposits by Bohai Bank and Dalian Agricultural and Commercial Bank should be a continuation of this trend last year. At the request of regulators, some banks' products should expire one after another this year. Objectively, with the continuous decline of market interest rates, the net interest margin of banks is under constant pressure. in the context of ample liquidity, the removal of intelligent notice deposit products with higher interest rates can also reduce the cost of capital of banks and reduce the pressure on liabilities.


Editor: Huangmei

Audit: wooden fish