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newonlinebingo| Yan Xijun of Guotai Liquor Industry: Digital Intelligence Guotai opens a new chapter and creates a new famous wine in China

时间:2024-05-27 14:57:15浏览次数:23

Special topic: 2024 Round Table on the Development of Guizhou Liquor Enterprises

Wine enterprises should jump out of the thinking and framework of inner volume.NewonlinebingoTo reconstruct the driving force of development.

"Shouzheng, innovation and co-protection of Guizhou liquor brands, intellectual cohesion to expand superior industrial clusters". From May 26 to 27, the 2024 round table on the development of Guizhou liquor enterprises was held in Maotai International Hotel. as an important annual meeting to examine and plan the development of Guizhou liquor industry, Guizhou Liquor Enterprise Development Roundtable attracted much attention from the industry.

At the meeting, Yan Xijun, chairman of Tianshili Mathematical Intelligence Health Industry Group, lifelong honorary chairman of Guotai Wine Group and chief division of innovative productivity, made a speech on the theme of "Digital Intelligence Taiwan opens a new chapter and creates a new famous Chinese wine".

Yan Xijun said: compared with previous times, the current round of adjustment of the industry is more structural and changeable, and its impact is more profound and long-term, so we need to study and judge carefully, deal with it scientifically, and further grasp the logic of development, converge the driving force of development, and innovate the development model.

He pointed out that from the perspective of the development of the industry and the category of Maotai-flavor products, there are the following seven characteristics and trends:

First, the industry has entered the stock competition, the squeeze competition between the strong and the weak, or even shrinking competition. The industry has risen from both volume and price to volume and price reduction and then to both volume and price; second, the industry is hot at both ends and cold in the middle, and the differentiation is more obvious; third, the macro-economy has dropped from high speed to medium speed, and the driving force for growth has shifted from production to consumption, under the background of overcapacity, enter the "double rational" era of rational drinking and rational consumption. The choice of consumers has become the key to the development of wine enterprises; fourth, the general trend of the economy determines the small trend of the wine industry, the wine industry has entered an era of low growth and low profits, and has entered the era of overcapacity, stock competition and brand leadership. In the new commercial era, dealers and terminals are the direct deciders, and consumers are the final deciders; fifth, the categories of soy sauce and wine used to be hot, but now they are the norm; sixth, in this round of industry adjustment, the first thing to enter is soy sauce and wine, and it is soy sauce and wine that is most affected, and it is soy sauce wine that rolls the most. Under the stock competition, the competition intensity will not decrease in the short term, and the large market investment is the norm; seventh, soy sauce still has relative category advantages, establishing quality advantages, focusing on channel terminals, ploughing the market and tamping the market foundation are the main tasks.

In view of the above structural new changes, new characteristics, and new trends, Yan Xijun believes that wine enterprises should grasp three aspects: the first is to jump out of the internal thinking and framework to reconstruct the driving force for development; the second is to focus on the transformation and upgrading of the growth mode; the third is to focus on industrial transformation and upgrading, to be led by scientific and technological innovation, and to install a "digital intelligence engine" to promote industrial transformation and upgrading and let traditional industries coruscate new vitality.

Yan Xijun said that Guotai proposed to "open a new chapter in Mathematical Wine Taiwan, create a new famous Chinese wine, brew good wine, drink good wine, and drink good wine," focusing on the three major events of "making good wine, drinking good wine, and drinking good wine."

First of all, the core of making good wine is the analysis of tradition, digital expression, accurate reproduction and system innovation.

newonlinebingo| Yan Xijun of Guotai Liquor Industry: Digital Intelligence Guotai opens a new chapter and creates a new famous wine in China

Secondly, the wine is delicious. The body of the wine lies in the design, the quality in the base wine, the flavor in the blending, and the senses in the taste. Focus on four aspects: first, good quality, focusing on high-quality base wine. During the period of industry adjustment, the industrial foundation focuses on improving quality. Second, drink well, less useless ingredients, more beneficial essence. Good base wine, good blending, good taste, good body feeling. It's enjoyable to drink, and it's comfortable after drinking it. Third, good experience, drinking environment, methods, utensils, etiquette, etc., to create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, sublimate drinking experience. Fourth, the culture is good, different flavor types have different quality characteristics, vigorously promote the construction of Maotai-flavor liquor evaluation standards and cultural expression system, and increase the awareness and cultivation of merchants and terminals, especially consumers.

Finally, have a good drink. Deepen the excavation of the connotation of the brand, tell the brand well with stories, manufacturers will tell stories, the market will tell good stories, and upgrade the new experience of Mathematical Wine.

According to Yan Xijun, Mathematical Intelligence has opened a new chapter, mainly seeking innovation and innovation in the following directions:

New development paradigm: technology-driven, mathematical intelligence empowerment, innovation and communication, relying on and background of intelligent brewing, to create a new paradigm of high-tech, high-efficiency, high-efficiency and green development.

New brewing method: promote the reform of production mode, continuously enhance the intelligent brewing advantage of "standardization + digital intelligence + high-end + green", and promote the transformation and promotion of the industry.

New marketing method: upgrade the new mode of digital intelligence operation of the whole industry chain and the whole value chain with consumers as the center. Digital intelligence through the product building, brand planning, market empowerment, channel construction, terminal development, user training, manufacturer-end consumer communication and other global links, marketing system upgrading.

New ways of cooperation: on the basis of co-creation, sharing and win-win, innovative management, service, implementation, evaluation, incentive, efficient management and service system, and benefit-sharing system, so that consumers are willing to buy, terminals are willing to push, and dealers are willing to sell.

Yan Xijun pointed out that adhere to the "big Maotai concept", continue to strengthen the construction of the core producing areas of Maotai Town, jointly maintain Maotai, learn Maotai, learn a good example of famous wine, expand industrial clusters, enhance the brand of producing areas, and empower the development of enterprises. The "big Maotai view" advocated by Guotai is not only a kind of idea, a kind of community consciousness, but also the advantage of the core producing area.

Finally, Yan Xijun suggested that we should jointly do a good job in the construction of production areas, continue to expand industrial clusters, and, under the guidance of Maotai, promote the building of a fleet with Maotai as an aircraft carrier through competitive development, regional positioning, and benign coordination.