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fishinghatsformen| Just now! Shenzhen's property market has made a big move: reduce public shares, increase the housing acquisition rate, and limit the height of residential buildings to 150 meters!

时间:2024-05-14 18:52:47浏览次数:19

"now the houses are getting taller and taller, but they are becoming less and less practical." Recently, when the reporter visited a number of districts in Shenzhen, many property buyers issued such feelings.

Prior to this, the shared area, housing acquisition rate and other topics have been hotly discussed. Recently, there has been a "new wind" in the new policies on the property market launched by many cities, proposing new regulations on the volumetric area and sharing of residential land.

The reporter learned from the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources on May 14 that the 2024 edition of Shenzhen Architectural Design rules will be officially released in the near future, with amendments including reducing the shared area of residential buildings, effectively increasing the housing acquisition rate, and imposing a height limit of 150m for residential buildings and dormitories. At present, the design of a project that has applied for a "commercial housing pre-sale permit" or a construction project whose planning conditions have been verified cannot be changed.FishinghatsformenThe design and adjustment of other construction projects shall be implemented in accordance with the new rules under the guidance of the administrations directly under the jurisdiction.

Increase the occupancy rate of housing

Recently, several cities belonging to Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area have launched a new policy on the property market. Among them, Foshan Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau and other nine departments jointly issued the Circular on several measures to continuously promote the stable and healthy Development of the Real Estate Market, which mentioned encouraging and supporting enterprises to develop diversified and high-quality residential products. including newly sold residential land, the upper limit of the "half" capacity of the balcony in the residential suite is raised from 18% to 20% of the floor area. Remove the depth and area restrictions on a single balcony.

fishinghatsformen| Just now! Shenzhen's property market has made a big move: reduce public shares, increase the housing acquisition rate, and limit the height of residential buildings to 150 meters!

Huizhou Natural Resources Bureau issued "some measures for the Planning and Management of newly sold Residential Land in Huizhou City 2024, 2025", which involves optimizing the rules for calculating the volume ratio of auxiliary housing, balconies and floating windows, encouraging enterprises to build high-quality residential communities, and so on. Compared with Foshan, Huizhou New deal is stronger. Huizhou also encourages the construction of high-quality housing and the use of tall and staggered balconies to create hanging gardens. The part of the household sky garden that is not less than two natural stories high shall not be included in the floor area of the volume ratio and shall not be included in the area of property rights.

It is worth mentioning that according to public information, the 2024 edition of Shenzhen Architectural Design rules will be released, and the revised contents include attracting public attention to reduce the shared area of housing, effectively improve the housing acquisition rate, and so on. Compared with the past, the scope of this revision is larger. For example, the calculation of the balcony area is refined, stipulating that the depth of the balcony is more than 2.FishinghatsformenThe .4m portion will be included in the floor area.

The housing rate of super high-rise residential buildings is relatively low.

As for Shenzhen's adjustment, Li Yujia, chief researcher of the Housing Policy Research Center of Guangdong Provincial Institute of Urban Planning, said that the essence is to reduce the unit purchase price and cost by increasing the unit area and actual use area, thus reducing the house price in disguise, which is helpful to enhance the enthusiasm of home buyers. This has also boosted the enthusiasm of developers to acquire land. Projects with higher housing acquisition rates are more competitive than other projects, with lower unit prices and faster disintegration. "for example, according to the new policy of Foshan, the interior area of the suite can reach more than 90% of the floor area (that is, the housing acquisition rate is more than 90%)."

Generally speaking, the shared area of multi-storey and small high-rise residential buildings in the past is relatively small, and the housing acquisition rate is generally more than 80%. Nowadays, more and more super high-rise buildings are springing up, and the number of floors of many residential buildings is even more than 50 storeys. What is the housing acquisition rate of these super high-rise buildings? Taking the Shenzhen market as an example, the reporter conducted a sample survey. Three new housing projects with more than 50 floors on sale in Luohu, Futian and Nanshan were taken as samples and the housing rate was calculated. It was found that the housing rate was generally only between 68% and 74%. By comparison, the occupancy rate of some second-hand residential buildings between 10 and 20 years old is generally between 75% and 85%.

The reporter also found that more and more new housing projects began to take the housing acquisition rate as a "bright spot" for marketing, and some projects with higher housing acquisition rates were also favored by property buyers. In the 100 pigeon cage area of Longgang, there are 73 square meters of new housing projects and 88 square meters of four-bedroom units, with a housing acquisition rate of more than 90 percent. The buyers interviewed said that under the premise that the price, quality and safety are guaranteed, these new houses with high housing acquisition rate will certainly be the first choice.

Multiple products are expected to return.

A new housing marketing planning manager told reporters that a project with a high housing rate through reasonable design can indeed effectively improve the comfort of Huxing. However, some high housing rate projects are referred to as creative space, gift area, in fact, developers are playing on the edge. In a word, more and more cities make it "regular", which is also a good thing for property buyers. Some industry insiders predict that multi-products such as low-volume residential areas, high-rise residential buildings, multi-storey residential buildings, stacked houses and villas are expected to return to meet the more improvement needs of property buyers.

Speaking of housing ownership rate, Zhaoqing, Guangdong announced a new policy a few days ago.Fishinghatsformen"Commercial housing will be priced according to the area of the suite from May 1," which once again brings the topic of cancellation of public sharing back to public view. Xu Yuejin, deputy director of research at the China finger Research Institute, warned that "the change in pricing methods has little impact on housing prices, but pricing according to the area in the suite will help buyers understand the actual price more intuitively, help to reduce disputes caused by information asymmetry, and promote the further standardization of commercial housing sales behavior. It is expected that more cities will follow up and introduce relevant regulations."