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celinalin| Supor: Some directors and senior executives plan to reduce their holdings by no more than 132,100 shares-36 krypton

时间:2024-05-19 17:32:48浏览次数:30

Supor AnnouncementcelinalinCompany director Su Xianze, chief financial officer Xu Bo, deputy general manager and secretary Ye Jide plan to be within 3 months after 15 trading days from the date of announcement disclosurecelinalin, respectively reduce the company's shares through centralized bidding in the secondary marketcelinalin.840,000 shares, 4celinalin7,400 shares and 16,300 shares, the total does not exceed 132,100 shares, which does not exceed 0.0166% of the company's total share capital after excluding the repurchased shares in the special securities account for repurchase. (Cailian)

celinalin| Supor: Some directors and senior executives plan to reduce their holdings by no more than 132,100 shares-36 krypton