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flushfeverpoker| The latest position changes of several tens of billions of managers have been exposed, and consumer stocks such as Yili, Bull Group, and Qianwei Central Kitchen have attracted attention.

时间:2024-05-22 09:50:12浏览次数:20

RecentlyFlushfeverpokerA number of 10 billion fund managers' positions have been exposed, and some consumer stocks have been frequently adjusted by these fund managers. For example, Yili shares (600887) and Wangfujing (600859) have been continuously increased by Zhang Kun's funds, and Lin Yingrui's funds have continuously reduced their holdings.

In addition, the Xingquan business model of housewarming management selects the top 10 circulation shareholders of Xinjin Bull Group, the selected growth of Fuguo Tianhui (161005) managed by Zhu Shaoxing, and the Huitianfu consumer industry managed by Hu Xinwei have all become the top 10 circulation shareholders of Qianwei Central Chef.

Zhang Kun continuously increased his position in Yili, Lin Yingrui reduced his position in Wangfujing again.

With the active performance of the real estate policy and the secondary market, the market has a strong expectation of the recovery logic, and then looks forward to the consumption and investment under this logic. From the perspective of public offering, some 10 billion fund managers have recently frequently adjusted their positions in consumer stocks.

The most typical are Zhang Kun and Lin Yingrui, two 10 billion fund managers, who have recently adjusted their positions from different categories, or also reflect consumption and investment expectations under different business patterns.

Since May, Yili shares have announced the latest details of the top 10 tradable shareholders twice in a row. It is worth noting that among the two statistical lists, the blue chip selections managed by Zhang Kun have increased their positions on the basis of the previous one.

Specifically, statistics as of April 29th show that Yi Fonda Blue Chip has 5700 of Yili shares.FlushfeverpokerAs of May 10, it has become 57.2001 million shares. Compared with the 55.0001 million shares counted at the end of the first quarter, the latest number of shares has increased by 2.2 million shares, and there are signs of accelerating the increase of positions.

In the first quarter report of this year, Yi Fangda's blue chip selected stock position was 94.38%, down 0.06% from the previous month. Although it is a high position, at least there is still a certain cash position, and whether there will be incremental capital allocation is not known for the time being. but at least from the attitude of fund managers, this period of time is firmly long in the dairy industry.

Compared with Yili's continued revenue growth for decades, Wangfujing's operating data are less satisfactory, and it has also been transforming into a "tax + tax-free" business in recent years, but periodic project expenses have also weighed on the company's net profit. Lin Yingrui manages the value of Guangfa leading the mix, Guangfa Ruiyi leading since the first quarter of this year, has been reduced positions for three consecutive times.

In fact, Guangfa value leading has already begun to reduce its holdings since the fourth quarter of last year. In the first quarter of this year, both of the above-mentioned funds began to reduce their holdings, and then continued to reduce their holdings in Wangfujing in two statistics on April 19 and May 9. The latest holdings show that Guangfa value leading mixture and Guangfa Ruiyi leading hybrid hold 14.1267 million shares and 11.3453 million shares respectively.

Bulls Group and Qianwei Central Chef are concerned by tens of billions of fund managers.

In addition to consumer segments such as beverages and shopping malls, there are also some consumer segments worth paying attention to, such as the Bulls Group in the field of electrical products, and Qianwei central chefs in the field of prefabricated vegetables, and recently there are 10 billion fund managers' products among the top 10 circulating shareholders.

The Bulls Group is more favored by Xingquan Fund. As of April 25, three of the company's top 10 circulating shareholders have been occupied by Xingquan Fund, namely Xingquan Herun, Xingquan Heyi and Xingquan business model. The first two funds, both managed by Xie Zhiyu, remained unchanged until April 25 after a reduction in their holdings at the end of the first quarter.

What is worth paying attention to is the optimal mix of Xingquan business model, which is a fund managed by housewarming. Wind statistics show that at the end of the first quarter of this year, the size of all funds managed by housewarming was 23.921 billion yuan, which is also a 10 billion fund manager. From the Bulls Group's latest disclosure of the top ten shareholders in circulation, the Xingquan business model of housewarming is preferred for mixed new entrants, holding 1.8198 million shares.

flushfeverpoker| The latest position changes of several tens of billions of managers have been exposed, and consumer stocks such as Yili, Bull Group, and Qianwei Central Kitchen have attracted attention.

As a partial stock mixed fund, Xingquan business model is preferred to count 92.45% of stock positions at the end of the first quarter, accounting for 6.41% of cash. For this 10.896 billion yuan fund, the current long position is more sufficient, and in the list of heavy stocks at the end of the first quarter, there are more consumer stocks to choose from, such as Haier Zhijia (600690), Gu Home (603816), Hailan Home (600398), Desai Xiwei (002920) and so on.

The latest shareholding statistics of the top ten circulating shareholders of Qianwei Central Chef (source: Wind)

Among the consumer stocks recently concerned by star managers, Qianwei Central Kitchen is special, because in the latest shareholding statistics, the top ten tradable shareholders are all larger or new than the previous announcement. These include a selection of 574600 shares in Fuguo Tianhui managed by Zhu Shaoxing, and 700000 shares in Huitianfu consumer industry managed by Hu Xinwei.

Overall, consumer stocks have recently received the attention of well-known managers, and for dominant stocks, the number of stocks that have been increased is significantly higher than that of stocks that have been reduced. In the industry index, the annual lines of many sub-indices are still positive at present. As of noon on May 21, the annual line of optional consumer index closed up 2.98%, and the annual line of optional consumption closed up 0.73%.