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bencbpoker| Coconut Shell CEO Wang Manli: Cross-border e-commerce must have five major elements to create hot new products

时间:2024-05-22 11:59:09浏览次数:24

In recent years, China's cross-border import industry has developed rapidly with the upgrading and optimization of infrastructure such as policy support, logistics and payment systems.

According to the White Paper on the consumption trend of China's cross-border imported e-commerce B2C industry in 2024, the number of domestic cross-border e-commerce users has reached 1.Bencbpoker.63 billion, accounting for 18% of the total e-commerce users. The import industry as a whole shows a trend of upgrading consumption, with about 46% of shoppers saying that they will increase the consumption of imported products in the future. Among the dietary and nutrition shoppers, more than 50% of the shoppers said they would increase the consumption of this category in the future, which is more significant than that of other categories.

With the increasing pursuit of high-quality and efficient products and the continuous innovation of health concepts, the needs and behavior of shoppers are constantly changing, which provides new opportunities and challenges for the development of cross-border e-commerce.

China's consumer market is a highly dispersed, complex and diversified market. Under the big wave of digital transformation, the new consumption scenes of brand marketing emerge in endlessly, and there are great differences in consumer preferences and demands of different consumer groups. Overseas brands are relatively unfamiliar, so they also face greater pressure on the trust of building brands. How to do a good job of brand localization, rational allocation of budget and optimize the rate of return on investment is the core issue for many overseas brands to enter the Chinese market.

Especially for cross-border brands entering the Chinese market for the first time, they are very concerned about their brand image and brand value, so they should focus on maintaining the price system and try not to use price war as much as possible. However, it is necessary to overtake and gain a foothold in the highly competitive market as soon as possible. In the case of taking into account operating profits and sales scale, can overseas brands still make sales without taking the price war as the core?Bencbpoker?

In response, Wang Manli Wang, CEO of Coconut Shell Culture Communication Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Coconut Shell), a comprehensive service provider of cross-border brands under Tianyu Mathematical Science (002354), said: "for overseas brands, price is not the key. Whether we can find accurate people to trigger interest and interest-driven transformation is the core of the whole business logic, while the 'selection strategy' determines the life and death line of cross-border brands fighting in the mainland. Coconut shell has formed a set of selection ideas based on the needs of the population. "

As a growing enterprise incubated under the strategy of "integration of quality, marketing and consumption", in recent years, coconut shell ploughing cross-border nutrition and health care products race track, successfully create a "new variety of grass machine" operation model, business scope covers adult line and mother-baby line, cooperative brands such as American Diqiao calcium, Swedish Astaxin astaxanthin, Australia Perdays pregnancy probiotics have become popular products, sales have been in the industry TOP3 for a long time. In 2023, the sales of coconut shell cooperative brands exceeded 150 million yuan, becoming the first batch of Douyin cross-border full-case service providers, helping more cross-border brands to quickly open up the domestic market and providing one-stop marketing services for cross-border brands.

For insight into the consumer characteristics and preferences of the target group, accurate screening of customized product combinations, and rapid cold start of cross-border brands, Wang Manli shared the latest case of the company with us.

Five elements necessary to create a new fashion style

In 2024, the needs of imported shoppers become more diverse and subdivided. they are no longer satisfied with traditional and popular products, but seek products that accurately match their specific age, health needs or life scenaries. focus on pertinence and refinement.

According to the White Paper on consumption trend of China's cross-border imported e-commerce B2C industry in 2024, cross-border e-commerce shoppers have gradually formed recognition of specific ingredients and regional restrictions, for mother, child and dietary nutrition. Australian and New Zealand products are more popular, due to the strict standards of product safety and quality in these regions, shoppers more recognize the local professional scientific research strength. From the perspective of shoppers, scarce sources of raw materials and advanced technology often mean higher product quality and better product efficiency.

Wang Manli said: "in terms of selection strategy, coconut shell brands are all brands that have been verified to have a certain reputation in their country of origin. Although minority, but the product quality is excellent, the brand has historical precipitation, origin, raw materials, process details are more inclusive, very suitable for content platform dissemination. After years of experience summary and insight research, we have identified five essential elements of new products: trend components, technological breakthroughs, subdivision categories, raw material endorsement, and mental opportunities. "

Taking the recently popular Perdays pregnancy probiotics as an example, Wang Manli interpreted in detail the methodology of coconut shell from selection to marketing operation.

Through a comprehensive survey of the pregnancy market and consumers, we found that although the size of the maternal and newborn population has declined, the precise demand for nutrition during pregnancy has increased, and women during pregnancy pay more attention to the safety and effectiveness of the product rather than the price. We have selected the Australian cutting-edge pregnancy high-end brand Perdays among many products. The product focuses on the subdivided pain point scene of sugar control during pregnancy, and through patented double capsule technology, probiotics are protected from gastric acid erosion and dissolved, helping probiotics reach the intestines and maximize absorption. Such products, although there is no strong brand accumulation in China, and there is no special operation team, but fully meet our five major elements of creating new products. " Wang Manli said.

After determining the selection, in the cold start-up period of the store, an important pain point is the need to let consumers recognize and recognize the brand, especially pregnant products need strong trust endorsement to achieve purchase transformation.

One of the key actions of coconut shell is to bind star experts to do brand endorsement to quickly reach accurate people to enhance consumers' trust in the brand; at the same time, quickly collect pregnant and pregnant people on the content platform for in-depth content cooperation. produce high-quality short video content, stimulate interest through content, and transform through interest promotion.

After the initial sales break, coconut shell will quickly explore new marketing contacts. For example, set up self-broadcast rooms at different stages of pregnancy; constantly test the combination of goods; continuously optimize commodity cards to improve the conversion efficiency of the shelf; actively participate in platform activities, obtain more resource support from the platform, and increase attention and sales.

bencbpoker| Coconut Shell CEO Wang Manli: Cross-border e-commerce must have five major elements to create hot new products

It is understood that through the operation of coconut shell, the Perdays brand completed monthly sales of 1 million yuan in the third month of the Douyin platform, exceeding 10 million in less than a year, and dominated the trembling sound pregnancy probiotic brand TOP1 for many months in a row. During the Q1 period in 2024, the store's merchandise Douyin channel exposed 35 million +, and its GMV sales reached 19.96 million +. In April, the data continued to rise strongly, reaching 19 million + in a single month, and the GMV exceeded 10 million in a single month.

Avoid invalid integration and focus on interest e-commerce

No matter how the platforms and contacts of e-commerce shopping change, shoppers' demand for accurate and comprehensive product information is consistent.

In recent years, the interest e-commerce platform represented by Douyin has been rising rapidly in China, which has impacted the traditional shelf e-commerce shopping mode and created a unique business model with Chinese characteristics with "content recommendation + global marketing". According to public data, Douyin e-commerce launched in 2021, and the platform has continued to accelerate in recent years, with a year-on-year growth of more than 80% in 2023, maintaining a rapid growth trend.

However, most cross-border brands in the Chinese market like "alien species" have come to a completely unfamiliar ecological environment and do not understand the needs and marketing environment of the C-end market. As a cross-border brand integrated whole-case service provider, coconut shell can effectively apply its good operational strategies and marketing methods to the group's technical resources in the market and sales development of overseas brands. grow together with these overseas brands and win-win cooperation.

Wang Manli said: "for overseas brands, the stock preparation and logistics cycle is very long, time is the biggest cost, if the cold start time is too slow, it is easy to make it impossible to sell after the half-term. There is often only one chance for a cold start of a new product, so we have to spend money on it to avoid ineffective integration and achieve a saturated attack on a single platform. First of all, to find the most efficient vertical circle layer, and then break through, first blow up the ring, and then break the circle. "

According to reports, as a Douyin e-commerce certification brand DP service provider, Douyin e-commerce cross-border industry quality service provider, has won the "2022 Cherry Award-Mother and Child Industry Best DP" award Based on the precise control of content marketing and selection strategy, Coconut Shell can provide cross-border brands with full-case services such as popular video production, live scene construction, marketing theme planning, commodity pricing strategy, AI customer service, membership system and so on.

With the continuous development of cross-border e-commerce industry, more and more cross-border brands will come to China as a huge market.

"as a local marketing service provider with strong content strategy capabilities and protection of sales data, we see another possibility for overseas brands to enter the Chinese market: an unfamiliar brand that can still win the favor of quality consumers while protecting its brand image and price system," said Wang Manli.

In the future, Coconut Shell will continue to focus on the e-commerce track, provide more overseas brands with all-round customized marketing and operation solutions, and use the best suitable resources to help overseas brands build bridges to enter the Chinese market and open up the Chinese market.

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