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时间:2024-05-03 12:34:31浏览次数:48

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[Heavy rains in Rio Grande do Sul slow soybean harvest]

Heavy rains have hindered soybean harvesting in Rio Grande do Sul. Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil's second largest soybean state and sixth largest corn statefreerainbowriches, its crop agency Emater saidfreerainbowrichesAs of Thursday, the state had harvested 76% of its soybean acreage, a 10 percentage point increase from the previous week. However, heavy rains disrupted the progress of harvesting, causing the state's soybean harvest rate to fall short of the historical 83%.

Emater's report also pointed out that Rio Grande do Sul is Brazil's main soybean producing area after Mato Grosso. According to estimates from crop agency Conab, the state's soybean production is expected to increase by 68% this year from the previous year. In addition, Emater expects production this year to reach a record 22.25 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 71.freerainbowriches.5%。

RuralClima meteorologist Marcodos Santos warned that heavy rains in Rio Grande do Sul have caused severe damage and damage to soybean, corn and rice producing areas.
